our Consortium
As learning communities are often strongly tied to regional public-private partnerships, we also took a regional approach while building the consortium. We distinguish four regions, as depicted in Figure 1. The consortium consists of one university (main applicant, UT) and four universities of applied sciences (SH, HG, HW, FH, see map) as co-applicants. In addition, the consortium includes 13 starting and experienced learning communities (see A-M on the map), and 10 national and regional partners that provide expertise to develop the project and disseminate the outcomes.
Figure 1.
Involved Learning communities
For more in depth information on each learning community see 'De tweeluiken bundel deel 1' from workpackage 1.
- Samenwerking Noord (A)
- Technohub (C)
- Oost NL (D)
- Garden of Kairos (F)
- Applied AI Labs (G)
- Centrum voor Veiligheid en Digitalisering (H)
- 5Groningen: innovation center connected solutions (I)
- Christelijke hogeschool Ede (J)
- Cybersecurity Noord-Nederland (M)
Digital Literacy Coalition(stopped) (K)Techniekpact(stopped) (L)AI4Agri(stopped) (B)
Other collaborating partners
- National Smart Industry Agenda (10)
- Eindhoven Engine (9)
- IT Academy (7)
- Sociaal Economische Raad (6)
- Nederlandse AI-coalitie (5)
- TechYourFuture (4)
- Stichting platform Talent voor Technologie (2)
- Van Haren Learning Solutions (1)